Play Chess Free

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Play against computer – in case you do not want to play against human opponent, you have the option to play chess against computer. In addition to the settings described earlier (e.g. Piece color, game clocks etc.) there is one more setting which allows you to choose from 8 predefined levels of AI strength (1 being the easiest, 8 the hardest). Play against the computer!!! You can challenge Stockfish choosing different levels of strength. Please note that higher level usually leads to longer thinking time. Press the button to start a new game. Play against the computer or a friend. Highlights possible moves for each piece. Play chess online against a computer opponent for free. Set the difficulty, choose your color, time control and initial position and start playing! The simplest way to play chess online with people from all over the world. Play chess online for free against the computer, your friend, or other players. No registration is required. Play Instantly and freely today!

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Playing Chess has many benefits. It is proven to make you smarter. A study of 4,000 Venezuelan students (male & female) showed significant rises in IQ scores after 4 months of Chess instruction. Another study by Dr. Robert Freidland was recently featured in The New England Journal of Medicine. It found that people over the age of 75 who regularly engage in activities like chess are less likely to develop Dementia and Alziemers than their non-board-game-playing peers. Just like an un-exercised muscle loses strength unused brain tissue leads to a loss of brain power. Chess is particularly good as it deeply engages both sides of the brain for both novice and expert players as shown in this German study. Still not convinced? Chess has also been shown to improve your creativity, memory, problem-solving ability, concentration and planning/foresight skills. Have you played a game today?

Don’t know how to play? Watch this video to learn the basics in only 15 minutes! Learn to play Chess

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