Spin Wheel Online
Type names, one per line, and hit 'Save'. Empty lines will be ignored.
Names will be save in your browser and will be available next time you open the site.
Ashford Traveller Spinning Wheel, Single Drive, Double Treadle, Natural by Ashford. 5.0 out of 5 stars 4. Only 1 left in stock. This is a random Picker Wheel, a very handy online random wheel decision tool that can spin the wheel and pick a choice from a bunch of inputs. In some situations, our brain just can't make a decision, so why not let the random Picker Wheel making the small decision.
Adjustable Spinner. Grade: PreK to 2nd, 3rd to 5th, 6th to 8th, High School Change the number of sectors and increase or decrease their size to create any type of spinner. Then, conduct a probability experiment by spinning the spinner many ti. All you need to do is to spin the wheel and get the result. This way you don’t have to rely on any other people. Below are the steps in order to use this Yes No Picker Wheel. Yes, No or Maybe. Choose the number of input sets. From 1 set to 5 sets Click the spin button to spin the Yes No Wheel to generate result.
Double-click the set number to use the names in the Spin Wheel.
How to Play Spin Wheel
To play spin wheel, just click the 'Play' button. After the spinning stopped, the winner will be displayed.
What To Draw Wheel Spin
After the winner is displayed, the 'Remove Winner Name' button will appear so you can remove the winner. You can display back all the removed names in the current set of names by clicking the 'Reset Names' button.
Spin Wheel Online Maker
To customize the names, just click on the 'Name Sets' button at the top. A pop-up box will appear for you to change the name. Click 'Save' button when you're done. By default, the spinwheel will display the most popular names of both male and female.